Application with an International University Entrance Certificate
Until April 15th you can apply for a start in the next winter semester. Here you will find all information for a successful application.
The application process for international students without a German University Entrance Certificate consists of two parts. A formal application via Uni-Assist is necessary to determine whether you fullfill the formal requirements to study at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt. Secondly you participate in our artistic entrance examination, where we evaluate work samples you send to us, give you a practical homework and meet you online for an interview. The following site will give you an overview about each step.
– Online application via Uni-Assist:
– Uni-Assist Deadline: April 15th
– Download the form with links to your digital portfolio from here
– Portfolio examination between June 10th and June 13th 2025
– Interview between June 24th and 26th 2025
Personal Requirements
You should be passionate about film making. But it is not yet important, that you already know exactly which job (director, editor, camera,…) you want to do later on or if you want to use the course to find out which department is most appealing to you. While studying Motion Pictures you will have many oportunities to gather experience and identify your fields of interest.
Formal Application via Uni-Assist
The University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt is a member university within the Uni-Assist Association. Upon payment of a service fee, Uni-Assist pre-checks which entitlement study applicants have to study in Germany based upon the guidelines of the German Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZaB). So in order to formally apply for the Motion Pictures Programme please register at the uni-assist online portal:
Create your application form and then send it to Uni-Assist electronically. Uni-Assist will also ask you for the following documents:
- School leaving certificate
- Depending on your country of origin, a certificate proving that you have passed the University Entrance Examination
- If you have already studied in your home country, please also send in documentation confirming your years of study
- English Language Certificate (B2; IELTS; TOEFFL, etc.)
- Copy of your passport
Artistic Entrance Examination
Once the formal application via Uni-Assist is processed and you are admitted.
– Put your digital artistic portfolio with a maximum of three work examples als links in the Portfolio Application Form
– a curriculum vitae including artistic, cinematic and narrative interests, description of experience, skills, social engagements
– a short motivational statement (Why? Why you? Why here? Why now?)
Digital Portfolio
You can upload your digital portfolio e.g. on youtube or vimeo and put the links in the Application Portfolio Form. No transferlinks allowed!
Make sure to write a short description of your work samples into the form and sign the declaration of originality.
Accepted files are H.264 / H.265 / HEVC format for films, JPEG or PDF for photos, PDF for written works.
Use the following format to name your files: Application Number_Family Name_Given Name_File
Example: 123456_Mustermann_Maxi_My
Portfolio Examination
As first step of the artistic entrance examination our examination board will view and evaluate your portfolio. After the evaluation your will receive an email with the results.
If you passed the portfolio examination successfully, you will also receive an invitation via email with a date and time to participate in the second part of the artistic entrance examination.
About two weeks after the portfolio examination we will have interviews with the applicants. The exact date and time will be sent to you with the results of the portfolio examination. These interviews will take place online.
Please note: there will not be a practical homework this year. Instead we might give you a small task during the interviews.
Application for a Higher Semester
If you have studied in a similar program already you might be able to join a higher semester. The procedure is similar, but the examination board will review each application individually after you successfully participated in the artistic entrance examination. Besides the already mentioned documents for all applicants you will need to send in additional proof of all previous university grades including fails. The examination board may also ask for other additional documents.
For any questions regarding the registration process and file upload please contact the Student Service Center.
If you have questions about the artistic entrance exam, please contact
Prof. Herbert Schwering:
If you need general advice bout the application and studying Motion Pictures please contact:
FAQ Personal Requirements
What personal requirements do I need to match to successfully pass the entrance examination?
The motivation to discover, work and learn independently is just as important for successful studies as well as to be a reliable and open team member. You should have analytical talent and be able to develop, formulate and communicate your ideas and concepts in order to translate them creatively into moving images and sound. Special fields of interest will be coonsidered in your application.
Do I have to understand programming language?
No of course not, but as Motion Pictures student you will have to work with professional equipment and technologies, which require an in depth understanding. So a general understanding of mathematics and physics is definitely an advantage.
FAQ Entrance Examination
How hard is the Entrance Examination?
The entrance examination consists of two parts: the portfolio examination, meaning the evalutation of your digital work samples as the first one and afterwards a practical task followed by an interview as the second one. Most applicants imagine the entrance examination to be harder than it actually is. We are curious to get to know you and are looking forward to your ideas and talents. We would appreciate if you were also looking forward to meet us, because that makes it a lot easier.
What should the digital portfolio look like?
The samples should show how you work with audio and video so far. Show us how you translate your concepts and ideas into film language. The portfolio can consist of short films, but could also contain screenplays, storyboards or series of photos. In general there are no restrictions regarding genres or formats.
What will the practical task look like?
Usually we give you a little homework in order to evaluate your capability of visual thinking. This could be for example a short film, a written task or a series of photos.
Do I have to travel to Germany to participate in the entrance examination?
No, everything will take place online including the interview. Depending on where in the world you are, there might be a big time difference though.
What happens during the interview?
First of all we want to get to know you a little better, but you will also get the chance to talk more about your portfolio and the homework.
How will I be notified about the results of the examination?
All important communication will be send by email. Make sure to check regularly.
FAQ University Entrance Certificate
In order to have your international University Entrance Certificate accepted you will need to apply via Uni-Assist. Uni-Assist is an independent organisation that processes your formal application and documents and passes them on to the HDA. This process usually takes a few weeks, which is why the deadline is already April 15th.
You can find the current Motion Pictures Entrance Examination statute here.(German language)