Here you will find a compilation of film festival successes, TV broadcasts and cinema exploitations of student projects:
The graduation film of Jan Capar (Hessen Talent 2022) premiered at the NewFilmmakers Film Festival Los Angeles. The animated film was showcased in the „Infocus: International Animation“ section of the festival hosted by Warner Bros. Discovery and Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Die Schule brennt und wir wissen warum
The graduation film of Janina Lutter (Direction) and Wiebke Ehrhard (Camera) celebrated its premiere at the Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival and was nominated for the D-A-CH competition. It was screened Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt, Filmfest Dresden and Sehsüchte in Potsdam.
The graduation film of Niklas Bauer was screened at the Bundesfestival junger Film and in the 6. edition of the Filmfest Bremen. It also won the „Bestes Klangbild“ prize at the 41. Europäisches Filmfest Göttingen.
Weil ich Leo bin
Tajo Hurrle’s Bachelor film had won at Vancouver International Women in Film Festival the Best Short Film“ and the „Impact Award“. At the BUFF Malmö Film Festival it won the „Region Skåne Short Film Award“, and it was screened at the self claiming largest children’s film festival in the world, also one of only two Oscar-qualifying festivals: Chicago International Children‘s Film Festival!
At the Bundesfestival Junger Film 2022 it won an award for special acting performance for their lead actor Sky, an award for a special socially relevant film, and the audience award! At the Bundes.Festival.Film it won the Deutscher Jugendfilmpreis & Publikumspreis.
At FILMZ it won the Sonderpreis of the City Mainz for the Best Script, at the KUKI Junges Kurzfilmfestival Berlin it won the Best Short Film for Children. It was also screened at the Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis in the special programm filmreif! Bundesfestival Junger Film.
The Hessenschau devoted together with the LUCAS Film Festival an article to the film. It was also broadcasted at KiKa, a television channel by ARD and ZDF.
Check all the festivals and many screenings for Weil ich Leo Bin here!
Tajo Hurrle’s short film won Best Youth Film at the Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, the renowed festival for students from the Filmschool Babelsberg in Potsdam. It also won the first place in the „Young Professionals“ category at the Visionale Hessen.
It was screened at many festivals including LUCAS – Internationales Festival für junge Filmfans, FILMZ – Festival des deutschen Kinos, Euroshorts Young Filmmakers, Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, and at the up-and-coming International Film Festival Hannover.
Der Tod ist voll in Ordnung
The short film by Theresa Wort was screened at the Lichter Filmfest 2018.
Drive In
The film by Dennis Baumann was shown at the Lichter Filmfest 2018.
Ink of Yam
The graduation film by Tom Fröhlich (director) and Christoph Bockisch (cinematographer) won the Hessischen Hochschul Filmpreis which is endowed with 7.550 €. It was screened at the Hofer Filmfestival and the Lichter Filmfest.
Hinter dem Meer
Janis Marx’s graduation film was running in the regional competition of the 10th. Lichter Filmfest in Frankfurt.
Durch deine Augen
The short film by Florian Stratenwerth and Max Rainer was screened in the regional short film programme of the 10th Lichter Filmfest in Frankfurt.
Philipp Drehmann, Matthias Kreter and Raúl Sammler won the first prize with their short film project at the BETS pitching event at the Berlinale.
Masala Chai
Marco Hülser’s graduation film wins the 2nd place at the BETS pitching event at the Berlinale. The film was also screened at the Genzfilmtagen, the Pakistan International Film Festival and on hr Fernsehen.
Simon Pilarski’s Bachelor film wins the Hessischen Hochschulfilmpreis 2016, which is endowed with €7,500.
Crazy Chong
Vince Dolezal’s graduation film wins third place in the special competition of the Hessian State Agency for Civic Education: „Grenz-Erfahrungen“, at Visionale Hessen 2016.
Alles Renkt sich wieder ein
The final project by Gabriel Sahm, Bernd Macht and Oliver Geibel won 1st place in the „professionals“ category at the Nürnberger Jugendfilmfestival.
Zusammen Allein
Marco Hülser’s graduation film was screened at the renowned Festival Max Ophüls Preis.
Find your fate
Theo von Asmuth’s graduation film won second place in the European Film School category at the Cannes Lion and the New Ways Award from Porsche.
Here you will find selected examples of former Motion Pictures students who are now working successfully in the media industry.
Herr Schnurrs Magischer Koffer
Niklas Bauer won the Preis der Stadtteiljury – LUCAS Festival for young film fans. The film was shown at the festivals Max Ophüls Preis and the Bamberger Kurzfilmtage, and also in open TV at Kika, Das Erste (link for full film) and ARD.
Fashion Reimagined
Daniel Götz was the cinematographer for the documentary film FASHION REIMAGINED, which had world premiere at the TriBeCa Film Festival and many renowned international film festivals. Check all here.
Getrennt Gewalten
The short film from Joschua Kessler premiered at the Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt, where it received a „special mention“. It was also shown at the Berlin Independent Film Festival and the Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival.
Bastards 2. Bad Company
Marco Eisenbarth (Hessen Talent 2010) received the Best Documentary award for the wrestling documentary series BASTARDS 2. BAD COMPANY. The second season of his series, co-produced with HR, has now been invited to numerous international festivals. The series accompanies the German-Iranian duo „Pretty Bastards“ on their way through the German wrestling scene. All episodes at ARD Medienthek.
Das Perfekte Schwarz
The documentary DAS PERFEKTE SCHWARZ by director Tom Fröhlich (Hessen Talent 2015) celebrated its world premiere in competition at the 53rd Hof Film Festival. It was also shown at open TV at SWR Doku Festival. Synopsis: Six peopleshare their interpretation of the perfect black and go in search of it.
Christian Stadach, Stephan Böhl and Thomas Meudt from the film production Tag & Nacht Media received the award for the Best Production Design with their mystery web series ANOMALIE at the Gießen’s web series festival die Seriale. At the international festival Buenos Aires Series 2020 it received two awards in the „International Digital Series“ category. The prize for „Best Camera“ went to Marco Eisenbarth, the prize for „Best Sound“ went to Stephan Böhl and Thomas Meudt. Check all the prizes here.